What is a home practice of yoga?
Well, let’s think about it in modern terms: clearing your cache, i.e. clarifying any mental & physical obstacles and refreshing your screen, i.e. recalibrating your energies. Home practice isn’t about touching your toes, it’s about your ‘well’ being and how your well-being lives in the world.
There are 2 major ingredients:
1. Practice for a long time, not spasmodically and
2. Practice should be uninterrupted – 1 year, 40 years, a lifetime.
Before you think “Ugh! Sounds daunting! I should have started sooner, younger, when I was in better shape!”, let’s break it down to usable Practice Protocols–
- Create a place and open your mat
- Same thing, same time each day to begin
- 10 minutes > 20 minutes> 30 minutes, etc. Let your practice advance/upgrade itself
- Don’t get bored or beat yourself up, just begin again
During our Home Practice Workshop series, we’ll set up sequences that will grow with your abilities.
The series will run 3 Fridays from 3:30pm-5pm on March 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Each workshop is $70 each or $210 for the series. Early bird pricing is $150 before 2/28/18
What do you say?