Who, who, who are You?
“Do not underestimate the value of asana. Even in the simple asanas, one is experiencing the three levels of the quest: the external quest, which brings firmness of the body; the internal quest, which brings steadiness of intelligence; and the innermost quest, which brings benevolence of spirit.” -BKS Iyengar
What defines us? Is it our mind, our intellect, our ego? Yes, but that seems so “-ological”. Are we what we are then, spouse, parent, wo/man, 30-something, 60-something, tinker, tailor, candlestick maker? Yes, but only in relationship to someone or something. How about the teacher in us, the artist, the scientist? Yes, yes, yes, without doubt, though our callings seem rather curricular, also. All labels of the who we are.
So, (with gratitude for the influence of Ted “Seuss” Giesel), ‘Who is the Who that is You-er than that You’? Who is it that’s reading this, taking note, contemplating itself? Who is this ‘silent partner’ that watches us do, listens to us think, sees us see, observes us?
YOU! ME! This is the essence of us, the invisible “self” of us.
The Who that is the essence of You is what your yoga class and practice engages and nurtures. Not necessarily the you that drives up to class but certainly the greater part of the You that returns home. Yoga is what we do for our “self”, the sweet result is the enriching of our relationships, our vocation, our avocation. It will create an inner culture and grace of the “self” for the Who we present to the world.
Make the time for You, for your “self”. Make time for yoga!
Your SMYC yoga classes give you the building blocks for your own wellbeing! It takes time, commitment and a bit of courage but it can be the best thing we do for ourselves and each other. See you on the mat…
An over-simplified look at the levels of our conscious awareness, I know, and simply a very good place to start!